Chemistry Around the House - Children's Literature
Science is in action all around us, and this volume of the “Chemtastrophe!” series shows chemistry at work in everyday household items, from the Teflon that coats our pans to stain removers used in laundry. A brief overview of chemistry kicks off this slim volume. “Fun… View →
Remembrance Day - Children's Literature
Remembrance Day, as it’s called in Canada, is celebrated every year on the anniversary of the Armistice that marked the end of World War I. That day is November 11th and the war ended in 1919. The holiday is to honor men and women who have served their country in times of war. This View →
Spotlight on South Africa - Children's Literature
Spotlight on South Africa has eye catching and informative photographs of nature, people and artifacts. This is a great research book for students and readers interested in world geography because the book is comprehensive in describing life in South Africa from its’ location,… View →
Cutting and Self-injury - Children's Literature
Self-injury is usually defined as repetitive harmful behaviors, which can include everything from cutting to consuming poisonous substances. Chapters discuss triggers and co-existing problems, highlight and debunk common myths about self-injury, and offer specific strategies for those… View →
Election Day - Children's Literature
Election Day is held in many countries all over the world, but the voters who participate are not always allowed to make a free choice. Only in a democracy, even the word means “power to the people,” do voters actually choose a leader. In an effort to make voting as… View →
A Cake for Dinner - Children's Literature
Part of the “Tadpoles” series, this Guided Reading Level B book entertains new readers with an amusing tale. Grandma is coming for a visit and Molly and her mother decide that they are going to make a cake for this special occasion. Oops, Molly manages to break most of the… View →
The Urals - Children's Literature
The frozen Urals—separating European Russia from Asian Siberia (tourists can stand in both continents at the divide)—are one of the world’s lowest mountain ranges, their peaks constantly being eroded and rounded by wind and water. Readers of this “Mountains Around the… View →
Miley Cyrus - Children's Literature
Miley Cyrus was born to superstar roots, but forged her own path and become a superstar in her own right. Cyrus’ acting career began with a guest role as Hannah Montana on her father Billy Ray Cyrus’s television series. Her fame quickly overshadowed her father’s, and… View →
The Rocky Mountains - Children's Literature
The rugged Rockies—site of North America’s Continental Divide—were carved out by huge glaciers during successive ice ages. Readers of this “Mountains Around the World” series will discover that the Rockies are sometimes called the backbone of North America, stretching… View →
Cultural Traditions in Russia - Children's Literature
This is a non-narrative, nonfiction book about the cultural traditions in Russia. The book is clearly laid out with a contents page at the beginning and a glossary and index at the end. Each two-page spread introduces another cultural aspect of Russia that includes “Did You… View →
Green Machines: Eco-friendly Rides - Children's Literature
From its apt title to its inviting contents and words to know sections, the discussed varieties of green transportation will entice young readers. This combination encyclopedia/dictionary stresses current trends toward saving planet Earth, encouraging active participation by youth and… View →
Heroes of Medicine and their Discoveries - Children's Literature
Starting with the 1628 discovery that the heart pumps blood through the body and ending with today’s advances in cardiovascular medicine, this nonfiction selection highlights many major medical breakthroughs. Each page is dedicated to a new discovery, including period… View →