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Cover: Scurrying Cockroaches

Scurrying Cockroaches - Children's Literature

Cockroaches are fast moving scavengers that have lived on Earth, nearly unchanged, for 300 million years. This title explains the difference between cockroaches that play an important role by eating decaying plant matter, and cockroaches that raid people’s homes. Colorful images… View →

Cover: Volcano Alert! (revised, ed. 2)

Volcano Alert! (revised, ed. 2) - Children's Literature

Some people spend their whole lives keeping an eye on the “sleeping giant” hovering over their land. Some volcanoes erupt with regularity, flinging molten rock high in the air or oozing a steady stream down the mountain side. Others, like Mount St. Helen in Oregon, slumber… View →

Cover: Knight Survival Guide

Knight Survival Guide - Children's Literature

Knights had a difficult and often dangerous life beginning at a very young age. This entry in the “Crabtree Connections” series gives second grade readers a fairly superficial overview of what young boys and men went through as a page, a squire and finally a knight. The… View →

Cover: The Appalachians

The Appalachians - Children's Literature

The historic Appalachians—separating the eastern coastal plain of North America from the interior—stretch from Labrador in Canada to northern Georgia and Alabama. Readers of this “Mountains Around the World” series will discover that the Appalachians influenced the early… View →

Cover: Backyard Cookbook

Backyard Cookbook - Children's Literature

Growing and cooking one’s own food can be a lot of fun to share with family and friends. Fruits and vegetables grow in a garden at different times of the year. Cooking with the seasons offers an array of garden delights, and the final product can be crunchy, sweet, tangy or tart.… View →

Cover: Arts and Culture in the Ancient World

Arts and Culture in the Ancient World - Children's Literature

Reading this title in the “Life in the Ancient World” makes you realize how much was developed thousands of years ago—music, calligraphy, painting and games. The Chinese were masters of all and played a game of qi or Chinese chess. In many societies women were not given the… View →

Cover: What Are Sedimentary Rocks?

What Are Sedimentary Rocks? - Children's Literature

Sedimentary rocks are a common form of rocks, as they result from sediment forming to build a new structure. Hyde walks the reader through the process of this creation, from bits of sand or particles of rock falling off and being carried away by wind, ice or rain, to the deposits of… View →

Cover: Egypt - the people (revised, ed. 2)

Egypt - the people (revised, ed. 2) - Children's Literature

The best part of this series of small volumes is the scattering of striking photographs—women veiled in the Muslim tradition making political speeches as far back as 1919 or modern high school graduates in cap and gown showing a mixture of headscarves, mortar boards and flowing… View →

Cover: What Caused the War of 1812?

What Caused the War of 1812? - Children's Literature

In 1812 the United States had grown to seventeen states but remained rather fragile in terms of its position as a free nation. In Europe, war raged on as the British and their continental allies continued to fight against the forces of Napoleon. While this seemingly endless warfare was… View →

Cover: What Are Metamorphic Rocks?

What Are Metamorphic Rocks? - Children's Literature

Metamorphic rocks are created from intense heat, such as lava. Aloian takes the reader through the origins of metamorphic rock, especially natural features created through the shifting of the Earth’s tectonic plates. The Himalayas, for example, were formed after the continents of… View →

Cover: Speak Up! Communicating Confidently

Speak Up! Communicating Confidently - Children's Literature

The book opens with a scenario that many will recognize: a friend is talked into loaning a piece of sports equipment and he knows that the person borrowing will probably never return it. The question posed is how one feels after being a part of such a situation—crummy is certainly a good View →

Cover: Backyard Bugs

Backyard Bugs - Children's Literature

Part of the “Crabtree Connections” series, this title is categorized as an information book and it introduces a variety of critters that one could find in their backyard. Most bugs are not really pretty so the question posed early on “Aren’t I pretty?” is… View →