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Cover: Tylosaurus

Tylosaurus - Children's Literature

An introductory page contains a diagram of the Mesozoic Era showing the Triassic, the Jurassic, and the Cretaceous Periods. A brief text explains that living things have been around for billions of years and the place in time for the Tylosaurus. A twenty-four page story follows which… View →

Cover: The Legacy of the War of 1812

Legacy of the War of 1812 - Children's Literature

The War of 1812 ended with what, on the surface, appeared to be minor results. No significant national borders were changed, the military losses while tragic paled when compared to those exacted by contemporary conflicts in Europe, and no governmental shifts resulted in any involved… View →

Cover: Reconstruction and the Aftermath of the Civil War

Reconstruction and the Aftermath of the Civil War - Children's Literature

The Reconstruction period in American history is often portrayed as a seemingly senseless progression of mistakes that culminated in a restoration of almost antebellum-like social structures in the South. In reality, as Lisa Colozza Cocca presents in this volume of the illustrated… View →

Cover: Parasaurolophus

Parasaurolophus - Children's Literature

With enticing text, the author paints a tale of an herbivore, a Parasaurolophus, separated from its herd and seeking to stay clear of danger. It is chased from the forest by meat-eating Albertosaurus and barely escapes with its life. Facts are mingled with words of the chase, and allow… View →

Cover: Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson - Children's Literature

This biography of Robert Pattinson is one of eight books in the “Sueprstars!” series. The book is mainly about his career as an actor, devoting most of its time to his starring role as Edward Cullen in the “Twilight Saga” movies. He began his acting and musical… View →

Cover: Fighter Jets: defending the skies

Fighter Jets: defending the skies - Children's Literature

Fighter jets are indeed “Vehicles on the Move,” the series for which this book is a part. Who, what, when, where and why are all covered here as young readers learn what fighter jets are and the role they play in the armed forces. Readers fascinated by airplanes will love the View →

Cover: Plants: Flowering Plants, Ferns, Mosses, and Other Plants

Plants: Flowering Plants, Ferns, Mosses, and Other Plants - Children's Literature

Part of the series called “A Class of Their Own,” this photo-rich book addresses the biology of plants in general and then gets into specifics. Well organized and easily understood by middle-grade readers, the book explains the life cycles and reproductive strategies of… View →

Cover: Pa Jinglebob The Fastest Knitter in the West

Pa Jinglebob The Fastest Knitter in the West - Children's Literature

Samantha Cardigan and her clever sidekick, Rabbit, are called upon yet again to solve another mystery. This time it is off to a desert oasis in some mysterious Middle Eastern country. Things start off on the wrong foot when Samantha finds a scorpion in her shoe after taking a brief… View →

Cover: Science Fact or Fiction? You Decide!

Science Fact or Fiction? You Decide! - Children's Literature

Budding scientists will have fun testing their knowledge of strange phenomena in this selection from the “Crabtree Connections” series. The book briefly discusses such scientific mysteries as the Bermuda Triangle, Bigfoot, and alien invasions, as well as questions like… View →

Cover: Animal mothers

Animal mothers - Children's Literature

Why do baby animals need their mothers? What is a baby kangaroo called? Young children can find out more about animal babies and their mothers in this colorful, appealing nonfiction reader with adorable animal pictures. Part of the “My World Series” of sixty-four books… View →

Cover: Past Tense: Healthy Ways to Manage Stress

Past Tense: Healthy Ways to Manage Stress - Children's Literature

One usually think of stress as affecting older people not young students, but the boy pictured on the cover makes one realize that stress can occur at any age. The introductory material discusses what stress is and according to the author, “Knowing how to recognize and manage… View →

Cover: Landscape Detective: Tracking Changes in your Surroundings

Landscape Detective: Tracking Changes in your Surroundings - Children's Literature

This slim paperback is an informational guide that teaches young readers how to become a Landscape Detective by exploring and studying the world around them. In an easy-to-read format, the reader learns how to gather information, interpret it, and then display the results. The author… View →