Roman Numerals and Ordinals - Children's Literature
Many children may not know that there are numerals other than what we call Arabic numbers or digits. Roman numbers were indicated by using certain letters and these are explained. The example given is one of the more common uses of Roman numerals—watch faces, but observant kids will see… View →
Probability - Children's Literature
Part of the series “My Path to Math,” this volume has many features that make it a good introduction to a complicated subject. The author grounds the basic concepts in everyday events, such as playing board games and choosing a snack among carrot and celery sticks. The… View →
Spotlight on the Philippines - Children's Literature
Comprehensive information about the geography and culture of the Philippines is covered. Topics include: Philippine facts, the main cities, The Ring of Fire, animals on land, and religions of the country. Colored illustrations, including maps, sidebars, and photographs with captions,… View →
Baby Wolves - Children's Literature
If you are not charmed by the cuddly pups on the front cover, do not even bother opening this book. The exceptionally reader-friendly format makes for a perfect introduction to the concept of an informational book as well as the subject of baby wolves. Font and layout are fully utilized… View →
A Nation Divided: Causes of the Civil War - Children's Literature
The causes of the Civil War lay in the very social fabric of the nation. Divisive issues such as varying economies, conflicting social norms, divergent class structures, and opposing positions on trade policy were all factors that caused tension between the antebellum North and South.… View →
Buzz off, Flies! - Children's Literature
Flies have swarmed our planet for over 200 million years and live everywhere people do. They spread germs and diseases but are also important pollinators and have been used for medicinal purposes. Flies have been around longer than humans and have managed to find their way into recipes,… View →
Ferrari - Children's Literature
This slight but glossy sixty-four page book is filled with the historical information, statistics, photographs, glossary and timeline of Enzo Ferrari’s legacy of sports car excellence. From a factory in Maranello, Italy to movie screens around the world, the Ferrari is a symbol of… View →
Alan and the Animals - Children's Literature
Part of the “Tadpoles” series, this Guided Reading Level B book entertains new readers with an amusing tale. The cover shows Alan with a frog on his head, a mouse in his pocket and a dog-like critter’s paws resting on his chest. Alan loves bats and rats and even has ten View →
How are they the same? - Children's Literature
“Words to Know” is the first section in this early reader and it is really a picture glossary of six words. All of the animals on the brightly colored cover share something in common. The glossary shows the stripes on the fish depicted on the cover. The text is interactive… View →
Natural Disasters: Violent Weather - Children's Literature
The “Science of Catastrophe” series uses science to explain what happens in different disasters and excels in being accurate and readable and the price is affordable. The series has beautiful illustrations and detailed diagrams of the science involved. For example, diagrams… View →
Vera Wang: A Passion for Bridal and Lifestyle Design - Children's Literature
In 1968 a major magazine featured an up-and coming teenager—Vera Wang. Ironically, that magazine wasn’t one that most Vera Wang fans would think of when they think of the iconic fashion designer. Instead, it was Sports Illustrated. The fact that she was quite a figure skater in her View →
Bean's Life - Children's Literature
Part of the “Crabtree Connections” series, this title is categorized as a recount book and it introduces the life cycle of a bean, specifically the fava bean. A bean is a seed and the story starts with the planting of a bean and then describes and depicts how it grows roots… View →