My culture - Children's Literature
Basic aspects of culture are introduced in ten short (two-page) chapters, including a definition of culture, languages, clothing, foods, sports, music, holidays, celebrations, and the arts. The language page includes “hello” in five different languages. Featured foods include View →
Hernando Cortés: Spanish Invader of Mexico - Children's Literature
This easy-to-read biography of Spanish conquistador, Hernando Cortes, introduces young readers to the man who was responsible for the destruction of the Aztec empire and who began the Spanish conquest of what is today known as Mexico. The 10 short chapters trace Cortes’ life, from… View →
The Himalayas - Children's Literature
The lordly Himalayas—separating the Indian subcontinent from the vast Tibetan plateau—contain Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak. Readers of this “Mountains Around the World” series will discover that the Himalayan chain includes Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, and View →
What's in the Midwest? - Children's Literature
The cover gives a few clues as to what will be addressed in this title which is part of the series “All Around the U.S.” The country is divided into five regions and each of the titles follows a similar format. The general introduction is the same and it presents a colorful… View →
What's in the Southeast? - Children's Literature
Having family in the southeast and still living in that region, I was certainly interested in what information would be provided in this book which is part of the series “All Around the U.S.” The country is divided into five regions and each of the titles follows a similar… View →
What's in the the West? - Children's Literature
It is hard not to think of cowboys and Indians when the West is mentioned, but there is so much more as readers learn in this book which is part of the series “All Around the U.S.” The country is divided into five regions and each of the titles follows a similar format. The… View →
Who's Who in WWII - Children's Literature
This title comes from the “Crabtree Connections” series and offers brief, biographical information about most of the important players during this complex period of history. The short introduction offers an explanation of how the war impacted the world. Subsequent pages… View →
Head-to-Toe Body Questions - Children's Literature
The human body is an amazing machine, made up of many different parts. It is controlled by the brain, which is like a powerful computer. Messages between the brain and the rest of the body travel along nerves. The brain sorts information at high speed and sends messages to the rest of… View →
Ask an Expert: Climate Change - Children's Literature
Filled with excellent photographs, simple charts and graphs and clear, focused text, this book explains and answers questions about climate and climate change. The author begins by briefly explaining weather patterns, followed by the greenhouse effect and how increased levels of carbon… View →
Extreme Places: Could you live here? - Children's Literature
Extremely harsh environments are described in this brief nonfiction text. The locations of these areas are identified on a world map. Facts and photographs describe each area. The coldest place on earth includes a disturbing photo of feet deformed by frostbite. The most polluted place on View →
Inventors Who Changed the World - Children's Literature
The opening spread of this colorful and appealingly formatted book states that just a few world-changing inventions have meant that most people travel by automobile or airplane rather than foot, live in cities rather than villages, and use computers and other electrical gadgets. Each… View →
Sonia Sotomayor: U.S. Supreme Court Justice - Children's Literature
The bright, cheery cover of this “Groundbreaker” series title opens to a funereal interior. Wide, black or grey page margins, numerous black pages with white text, and a few solid grey pages provide the backdrop for 103 pages of black and white photos. View →