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Cover: Los ojos (Eyes)

School Library Journal

These short titles introduce the same body part in three different animals per book. An initial spread shows a photograph of the part with a question; a page-turn reveals a full-body image, along with the answer to the question. Repetitive text structure supports new readers. View →

Cover: Les cornes (Horns)

School Library Journal

These short titles introduce the same body part in three different animals per book. An initial spread shows a photograph of the part with a question; a page-turn reveals a full-body image, along with the answer to the question. Repetitive text structure supports new readers. View →

Cover: Las patas (Feet)

School Library Journal

These short titles introduce the same body part in three different animals per book. An initial spread shows a photograph of the part with a question; a page-turn reveals a full-body image, along with the answer to the question. Repetitive text structure supports new readers. View →

Cover: Las patas (Feet)

¿Qué animal tiene estas partes? (What Animal Has These Parts?) series - School Library Journal

These short titles introduce the same body part in three different animals per book. An initial spread shows a photograph of the part with a question; a page-turn reveals a full-body image, along with the answer to the question. Repetitive text structure supports new readers. View →

Cover: Los cuernos (Horns)

School Library Journal

These short titles introduce the same body part in three different animals per book. An initial spread shows a photograph of the part with a question; a page-turn reveals a full-body image, along with the answer to the question. Repetitive text structure supports new readers. View →

Cover: Les cycles de la Terre (Earth Has Cycles)

Les cycles de la Terre (Earth Has Cycles) - Booklist

Succinct and matter of fact, this level 1 volume in the Science in My World series (7 titles) introduces young learners to cycles in the natural world. The book opens by defining cycle as “something that happens over and over again.” Short sentences, illustrative stock photos, and simple View →

Cover: ¡Lo encantado! (The Haunted!)

¡Lo encantado! (The Haunted!) series - Booklist

The Haunted! series (6 titles) will captivate fans of the spooky and supernatural. Each book begins with a handy “School-to-Home Support for Teachers and Caregivers” page that contains a series of book-related questions and extension activities to help build reading comprehension. A… View →

Cover: Prisiones encantadas (Haunted Prisons)

¡Lo encantado! (The Haunted!) series - Booklist

The Haunted! series (6 titles) will captivate fans of the spooky and supernatural. Each book begins with a handy “School-to-Home Support for Teachers and Caregivers” page that contains a series of book-related questions and extension activities to help build reading comprehension. A… View →

Cover: La lumière! Ça nous aide à voir (Light! It Helps Us See)

Mes premiers livres de science (My First Science Books) series - Booklist

The My First Science Books series (5 new titles) lays the groundwork for science (and reading) comprehension by introducing the earliest readers to fundamental terms and concepts. Although the design is somewhat uneven across the series, titles generally rely on large, double-page… View →

Cover: La terre - Ses habitats (Land Habitats)

Mes premiers livres de science (My First Science Books) series - Booklist

The My First Science Books series (5 new titles) lays the groundwork for science (and reading) comprehension by introducing the earliest readers to fundamental terms and concepts. Although the design is somewhat uneven across the series, titles generally rely on large, double-page… View →

Cover: Hoteles encantados (Haunted Hotels)

¡Lo encantado! (The Haunted!) series - Booklist

The Haunted! series (6 titles) will captivate fans of the spooky and supernatural. Each book begins with a handy “School-to-Home Support for Teachers and Caregivers” page that contains a series of book-related questions and extension activities to help build reading comprehension. A… View →

Cover: Le jour devient la nuit (Day Turns into Night)

Mes premiers livres de science (My First Science Books) series - Booklist

The My First Science Books series (5 new titles) lays the groundwork for science (and reading) comprehension by introducing the earliest readers to fundamental terms and concepts. Although the design is somewhat uneven across the series, titles generally rely on large, double-page… View →