Explorando países (Exploring Countries) series - Booklist, Series Nonfiction Showcase
Each book in the Exploring Countries series (6 titles) gives a brief overview of a specific country, highlighting its famous sites, land and animals, and cultural touchstones. The text is written simply, with more complex terms bolded and defined in the glossary. The books are intended… View →
Explorando países (Exploring Countries) series - Booklist, Series Nonfiction Showcase
Each book in the Exploring Countries series (6 titles) gives a brief overview of a specific country, highlighting its famous sites, land and animals, and cultural touchstones. The text is written simply, with more complex terms bolded and defined in the glossary. The books are intended… View →
Explorando países (Exploring Countries) series - Booklist, Series Nonfiction Showcase
Each book in the Exploring Countries series (6 titles) gives a brief overview of a specific country, highlighting its famous sites, land and animals, and cultural touchstones. The text is written simply, with more complex terms bolded and defined in the glossary. The books are intended… View →
Booklist, Series Nonfiction Showcase
Each book in the Exploring Countries series (6 titles) gives a brief overview of a specific country, highlighting its famous sites, land and animals, and cultural touchstones. The text is written simply, with more complex terms bolded and defined in the glossary. The books are intended… View →
Booklist, Series Nonfiction Showcase
Each book in the Exploring Countries series (6 titles) gives a brief overview of a specific country, highlighting its famous sites, land and animals, and cultural touchstones. The text is written simply, with more complex terms bolded and defined in the glossary. The books are intended… View →
Explorando países (Exploring Countries) series - Booklist, Series Nonfiction Showcase
Each book in the Exploring Countries series (6 titles) gives a brief overview of a specific country, highlighting its famous sites, land and animals, and cultural touchstones. The text is written simply, with more complex terms bolded and defined in the glossary. The books are intended… View →
Explorando países (Exploring Countries) series - Booklist, Series Nonfiction Showcase
Each book in the Exploring Countries series (6 titles) gives a brief overview of a specific country, highlighting its famous sites, land and animals, and cultural touchstones. The text is written simply, with more complex terms bolded and defined in the glossary. The books are intended… View →
Explorando países (Exploring Countries) series - Booklist, Series Nonfiction Showcase
Each book in the Exploring Countries series (6 titles) gives a brief overview of a specific country, highlighting its famous sites, land and animals, and cultural touchstones. The text is written simply, with more complex terms bolded and defined in the glossary. The books are intended… View →
Booklist, Series Nonfiction Showcase
Each book in the Exploring Countries series (6 titles) gives a brief overview of a specific country, highlighting its famous sites, land and animals, and cultural touchstones. The text is written simply, with more complex terms bolded and defined in the glossary. The books are intended… View →
Booklist, Series Nonfiction Showcase
Each book in the Exploring Countries series (6 titles) gives a brief overview of a specific country, highlighting its famous sites, land and animals, and cultural touchstones. The text is written simply, with more complex terms bolded and defined in the glossary. The books are intended… View →
The sweeping connections and contrasts that the book makes can stimulate debate. For example, slavery is not just a distant horror; it is also linked to child factory laborers in India and elsewhere today. The open design will grab browsers with color photos, maps, and boxed, personal… View →
Fósiles y plantas antiguas (Fossils and Ancient Plants) - Booklist
Paleontology may conjure images of towering dinosaur bones, but fossilized plants are equally important to unlocking a more complete understanding of the prehistoric world. This entry in the Incredible Changes on Earth series (6 titles) focuses on prehistoric plants, some of which still… View →