Bringing Back the Blue Iguana would be a worthwhile addition to school and public libraries’ endangered species collections. Recommended View →
Exceptional books perfect for elementary grade collections, designed to attract and maintain attention through bright contemporary illustrations and photos and facts. View →
The contents of Bringing Back the Island Fox serve as an excellent example of the complexities involved in bringing back an animal species from the brink of extinction. Highly Recommended View →
Exceptional books perfect for elementary grade collections, designed to attract and maintain attention through bright contemporary illustrations and photos and facts. View →
Exceptional books perfect for elementary grade collections, designed to attract and maintain attention through bright contemporary illustrations and photos and facts. View →
Exceptional books perfect for elementary grade collections, designed to attract and maintain attention through bright contemporary illustrations and photos and facts. View →
Exceptional books perfect for elementary grade collections, designed to attract and maintain attention through bright contemporary illustrations and photos and facts. View →
Enjoyable and engaging, with just enough information to pique the reader’s interest, the “Astonishing Animals” series does a good job of introducing readers to some incredible animals.” Recommended. View →
Informative and educational, the Disaster Diaries series combination of facts and personal recollections proves that two is sometimes better than one.” Recommended. View →
These books are worth considering for your young researchers learning about communities at home and around the world, especially if you have an immigrant or local Spanish-speaking school community.” Recommended. View →
Physical Science in Street Sports is a book that will appeal to your athletes and your science-minded students. View →
Physical Science in Snow and Ice Sports, is a book that will appeal to both sports-minded and science-minded readers. View →