Spring 2025

El ciclo de vida de la araña - second edition (The Life Cycle of a Spider)

From the Series Serie Ciclos de vida - second edition (The Life Cycle Series) Spanish
  • Interest Level: Grade 3 - Grade 5
  • Reading Level: Grade 3

Millions of baby spiders burst out of egg sacs each day in every part of the world. This book describes the growth and development of these fascinating animals, including how spiders care for their young, the differences between male and female spiders, and how environmental damage affects the life cycle of a spider. Features include audio, full-color photographs, glossary of key words, index, informative sidebars, and table of contents.

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On pre-order until 2025-01-02
On pre-order until 2025-01-02
On pre-order until 2025-01-02
On pre-order until 2025-01-02
Interest Level Grade 3 - Grade 5
Reading Level Grade 3
Age Range 8 - 10
Dewey 595.44
ATOS Reading Level
Guided Reading Level P
Subjects Animals, Life Science
Genres Nonfiction
Publisher Crabtree Publishing
Imprint Crabtree Crown
Copyright 2025
Number of Pages 32
Dimensions 8 x 10
Graphics Full-color photographs
BISACS JNF003120, JNF051050, JNF051000
Rights Included WORLD
Language Spanish

Author: Bobbie Kalman

Full-color photographs
Table of contents
Full-color photographs