Extreme Sports

Set of 6 titles
  • Interest Level: Grade 3 - Grade 9
  • Reading Level: Grade 3

What makes a sport extreme? More than a regular one, an extreme sport usually involves a higher level of risk and challenges. This exciting series shows readers the styles, equipment, moves, and heroes of adventurous sports on land and in the water. Every book also includes a page for caregivers and teachers that suggests guiding questions to help aid in reading comprehension. Downloadable Teacher Notes available.

Format Your Price Add
Interest Level Grade 3 - Grade 9
Reading Level Grade 3
Age Range 8 - 14
Dewey 796.22-797.3
Lexile 790L-870L
ATOS Reading Level
Guided Reading Level O-P
Subjects High Interest, Sports
Genres Hi-Lo, Nonfiction
Publisher Crabtree Publishing
Imprint Crabtree Branches
Copyright 2023
Number of Pages 32
Dimensions 7 x 9
Graphics Full-color photographs
BISACS JNF046000, JNF054040, JNF054180
Rights Included WORLD
Language English

Extreme Sports series - Booklist, Series Nonfiction Showcase

Designed with edgy skid marks and tire tracks cutting across pages, the Extreme Sports series busts out high-low introductions to high-octane sports that typically exist outside of the mainstream.

Extreme Sports series - School Library Journal

Ideally, for beginners, each book in this series begins with a basic one-page description of its extreme sport, followed by explanations of the different ways people have modified and personalized the sport for necessity, fun, or challenge. Each entry also focuses on the potential career opportunities in the sport and profiles legendary athletes who have made their marks. The utilitarian writing gets the job done, delivering the information with no frills or fireworks. It’s the action-packed photos that are the star of the show.

Author/Illustrator biography
Comprehension Questions
Educational front/back matter
Informative sidebars
Note to parents and educators
Table of contents
Teaching guides
Full-color photographs