Introduction to Earth's Resources
Set of 6 titles
Introduction to Earth's Resources is a fact-filled introduction to Earth's natural resources, explaining why they are important, how we use them, whether or not they are renewable, and what steps we can take to recycle and reuse them. Free downloadable Teacher's Guide.
Format | Your Price | Add |
$143.70 | |
$59.70 |
Set of 6 titles
Interest Level | Grade 2 - Grade 5 |
Reading Level | Grade 3 |
Age Range | 7 - 10 |
Dewey | 333.91-641.29 |
Lexile | 740L-790L |
ATOS Reading Level | |
Guided Reading Level | O-S |
Subjects | Science |
Genres | Nonfiction |
Publisher | Crabtree Publishing |
Imprint | Crabtree Classics |
Copyright | 2020 |
Number of Pages | 32 |
Dimensions | 8 x 10 |
Graphics | Full-color photographs |
Rights Included | CA, US |
Language | English |
Glossary of key words |
Index |
Table of contents |
Full-color photographs |