Editorial Review
Justin Bieber - Children's Literature

Justin Bieber’s rise to superstardom from small-town Canadian teen is chronicled in this volume in the “Superstars!” series. Raised primarily by his mother, Justin always loved music, but not until he competed in a talent show in his hometown of Stratford, Ontario, at the age of twelve, did anyone else outside his family know how talented he was. He became a street musician at the same time and his mother began posting videos of his performances on You Tube. His popularity on You Tube quickly grew from just family members to tens of thousands of fans. He signed with a talent manager soon after and his fame continues today. Lots of photos including of he and Selena, with Usher and with his family are included in this lively celebrity biography. “He said it” quotes are found on many pages and lots of side bars and pull-outs are included. A timeline, glossary, find out more page and index round out the volume. As with other books in the series, shelf life is short as it follows Bieber through early 2012. Nonetheless, it’s a well-done celebrity bio sure to appeal to his many fans. Reviewer: Margaret Orto