Editorial Review
Drake - Children's Literature

While Drake doesn’t fit the stereotype of a rapper and has chosen to write about his newfound fame or his past relationships with girlfriends rather than poverty, crime, and drugs, he has nonetheless risen to superstardom. Drake’s parents divorced when he was five. He stayed in Toronto, Canada with his mother, a Jewish Canadian, while his father, an African-American musician, moved back to Memphis, TN. He is extremely close to his mother, Sandi, who signed him up with a talent agency when he was just five years old recognizing his talent for music and performance. Drake’s first big break was in acting rather than music when he was just 14 and got a part in a Canadian television teen drama. By the time his role on the show ended, his music career took off. When he met Lil Wayne and they performed together, his career soared. As with other volumes in the “Superstar!” series, this lively celebrity bio is full of framed photos, colorful layouts, lots of pull-outs and sidebars and includes entertaining “He Said It” quotes on many pages. Shelf life is short since the book follows Drake’s career through early 2012. A timeline, glossary, find out more page, and index are also included. Reviewer: Margaret Orto