Editorial Review

Mes premiers livres de science (My First Science Books) series - Booklist

Cover: Je vois la lumière (I See Light)

The My First Science Books series (5 new titles) lays the groundwork for science (and reading) comprehension by introducing the earliest readers to fundamental terms and concepts. Although the design is somewhat uneven across the series, titles generally rely on large, double-page photographs and minimal text to deliver only the most necessary information on each subject. Day Turns into Night presents the day cycle by cataloguing familiar celestial objects. Every volume in the series supports concept building, emphasizing key words via headers and bold-face type, often including pronunciations and definitions in the main text, in addition to the glossary. A useful, appropriately minimal resource for budding learners and beginning readers.

Products Reviewed

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Je vois la lumière (I See Light)

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