Editorial Review
We Read about the Amphibian Life Cycle - Booklist

This entry in the I Read! You Read! series (20 titles) offers a brief introduction to some characteristics of amphibians and stages in their life cycle. Designed for shared reading between a beginning reader and an adult, color-coded text boxes and symbols indicate whose turn it is to read. In large type, the child’s text consists of short sentences of between 4 and 11 words: “Amphibians are animals with backbones.” The adult reader’s text appears directly below, in a smaller-size font. The longer sentences restate and expand information: “Since amphibians have a backbone, they are vertebrates. Reptiles, birds, and mammals are also vertebrates.” Full-page color stock photographs add visual interest. A parent-and-caregiver guide offers reading prompts and a glossary (with pronunciations), and five comprehension questions encourage further conversation.